
First founded as a Roman city, in 756 Cordoba became the capital of Moorish Spain. In the 10th century, Cordoba was the largest city in western Europe, with schools, hospitals, mansions, public baths, and a great center of learning, renowned for its scholars and libraries. The caliph of Cordoba was very tolerant of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic communities. The glory of Cordoba is far in the past, but when kids step inside La Mezquita (Great Mosque), the golden age is very much present.

La Mezquita
Jewish Quarter
Plaza de las Tendillas - This is a large, wide plaza surrounded by cafes in the modern part of town. In the center is a large fountain and two water play areas either side. On a hot day, kids can cool off by running in and out of the water jets spouting up from the pavement.
Family Hotels

Here's our own Travel for Kids hand-picked list of family hotels, all styles and price ranges, convenient to fun things to do with kids in Cordoba:

Cordoba hotels
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