Olympic National Park
Tips with kids
Hurricane Ridge weather - Before driving all the way up to Hurricane Ridge, check the weather. In summer, though it may be sunny at the Olympic National Park visitor center near Port Angeles, up on Hurricane Ridge, clouds and fog can cover the mountains (no panoramic views).
Rainy day options - Parts of Olympic National Park get over a 100 inches of rain. On drippy days, take a hike through Sol Duc Valley or Hoh Rain Forest.
Stay on trails - When hiking, follow the trails. Taking shortcuts causes erosion in the trail and hurts fragile meadows.
Footwear - Don't short-change yourself. Once you start up the trail, you won't want to turn back soon. Make sure everyone has comfortable shoes. Closed toes are best. Flip flops and plastic sandals are okay on paved paths, but not on dirt trails.
Drinking water - Even on a short hike, bring water bottles with you. The creeks in Olympic National Park look pristine, but don't drink from the streams.
Clothes for changeable weather - On a warm summer's day, if you go out to the coast, the weather can be cool and misty, so bring light jackets or sweaters. July and August are usually pretty dry, but at other seasons, parts of the park get over a hundred inches of rain each year, so rain gear is essential.
Keep your distance from elk - If you're lucky, you'll see elk grazing. Do not get too close to the elk, they are wild animals with antlers and sharp hooves. Stay at least 100 feet back.
Don't feed the animals - Chipmunks look cute, and will even pose for you. Chips and snacks are bad for many of the animals here - feed them people food and they can end up very sick.
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