Izu Peninsula (Izu Hanto)

The Izu Peninsula is three hours by train from Tokyo. It's a beautiful natural environment with hot springs, sand beaches, clear water for swimming and snorkeling. It's a popular destination for Japanese families and tourists alike. You can take a train or bus to popular resort towns on the peninsula, but to see some of the spectacular coastline, rent a car.

Ito - Soak in the hot springs and relax on Ito Orange Beach, a classic resort beach that's perfect for little kids. Ippekiko Lake has fishing, boat rentals, and camping. If your family likes waterworks, visit Okuno Dam.
Kawazu - Take the Nanataki Waterfall Hiking Course for a hike to Kawazu Seven Waterfalls, a basalt gorge with seven waterfalls (the waterfalls have names like Shrimp waterfall, Oven waterfall, Snake waterfall, Crab waterfall). To see sea tortoises, visit Tsurukame Park (Izu Andyland), an animal park with white snapping turtles, elephant turtles, and sacred cranes.
Shimoda - Go to the beach or ride the tramway up for a view from Nesugata-yama peak. Shimoda Sea-Water Aquarium, a circular aquarium right in Shimoda Bay, has sea otters, dolphins, and sea lions. Take a cruise on one of the "Black Ships," boats that look like the paddle schooners brought by Commodore Perry in 1853.
Minamizu - For an unusual combination of dramatic coastline, wild monkeys and flower gardens, check out the Wild Monkey Park (Hagachi-zaki En). Yumigahama is another beach resort with good sandy beaches.
Nishiizu - At Dogashima there are excellent beaches and snorkeling in the clear water. Take a boat to see the Tensohodo, a large sea cave. The top of this sea cave is open to the sky, casting patterns of light and shadow on the sparkling water. If you like orchids, visit the Orchid Plantation Center which has lush, colorful displays of thousands of different orchids.
Toi - Tour the Toi Gold Mine. This mine once produced gold for making Japanese gold coins. You can see tools used by the miners and exhibits of the long history of the mine.
Amagiyugashima - Stop in at an interesting attraction, the Wild Boar Village (Inoshishimura). Wild boar "hoglets" are incredibly cute, and smart too. The Wild Boar Village has animal shows, wild boar in their natural habitat and a museum. If you want to get out and stretch your legs, take a hike around Haccho Ike Pond, a sanctuary of the blue frog. The hiking trail has views of the Izu Seven Islands to the south, and the Southern Alps to the north.