
Delhi is both Old and New Delhi. Old Delhi was once the walled capital of Shah Jahan, the Mughul emperor who also built the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan's capital was called, Shahjahanabad, "City of the Ruler of the World." In the 19th century, the British constructed a new capital for their empire, New Delhi.

Old Delhi
New Delhi
Around Delhi

Agra - Taj Mahal


Ride the Metro - Delhi Metro is great way to get from the airport into the city, as well as get around Delhi - it's quick and efficient. Announcements for stations are in English and Hindi. Buying tokens or Tourist Cards, have cash (small bills) available, and be prepared to go through scanner line, before entering the Metro.
Fun food
On every street there are stands where you can buy yummy crackers and snacks (plastic wrapped). Food in India is so different, even eating at McDonald's or Pizza Hut is a new experience. Try the Maharaja burgers at McDonald's.
Delhi is a shopper's paradise - so many things at very reasonable prices, such as gold and silver jewelry, chess sets, wallets, handmade paper, clothing, woolen shawls, puppets, toy auto rickshaws. Dilli Haat is a local market with crafts from all over India, good food, no hassle shopping, close to a Metro stop.

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