
Nordlingen is another medieval town - the one with the best preserved city wall in the region. In fact, there are 18 towers and five gates, all still working, on the wall.

Loepsinger Gate Tower - Head for the 16th century Loepsinger Gate Tower where you'll be treated to a beautiful view of the town. A bonus: on the 6th floor you'll find the City Wall Museum with its 17th century uniforms, a cannon, and a model of the old town.
Ries Crater Museum - Nordlingen sits in a 25 km meteor crater created about 15 million years ago. This is where Apollo 16 astronauts trained in 1970. There are lots of geological and planetary exhibits, sample of moon rock.
Just outside of town are ruins of the Hochhau, built in the 13th century, and the ruins of the 12th C. Neiderhaus. Both are great picnic spots after a hike or bike ride. Ask at City Hall about nature trails around town, laid out for all levels of hikers.
Railway Museum- Heading in or out of town by train? Take time for the Railway Museum located in the old engine room at the train station. There are over 100 engines on display, including 25 steam engines: some are working models you can clamber on.
Fun food
One of the town specialties is kase spatzle button noodles made with cheese and reduced cream. A little less sharp than the typical American macaroni and cheese, it's definitely a "comfort food."