Argeles-Gazost & Around
Argeles-Gazost -
Parc Animalier Des Pyrenees (Argeles) - This small animal park is a delightful way to see animals of the Pyrenees in a natural setting - otters playing in the water, energetic little squirrels, fox babies napping under the trees, brown bears waving their paws, lynxes, big horn sheep, marmots, and wolves. Explanations about the animals are in French, English and Spanish.
Town park - In town, across from the Thermes, the Municipal Parc has miniature golf and a large playground.
Gave de Pau River - Pick up sandwiches in town for a picnic, and go down by the Gave de Pau River. The Pont de Tilhos has picnic tables on the east side of the river. Also, just north of Beaucens, the river has been damned up to make Lac des Gaves, with more picnic tables and paths along the river.
Donjon des Aigles (Beaucens) - The 11th century donjon (castle) high on a hilltop is home to a fabulous collection of birds - falcons, vultures, owls, hawks, eagles. The birds are housed in nooks and crannies of the stone castle, and you can see the birds close up (they are tethered).
In the afternoon are super bird shows ("spectacle") on the grass in front of the castle, where vultures and falcons fly free! It's fun for kids to see these magnificent birds, wings spread wide, flying right above your head.
Go horseback riding - Go for one or two hour rides in the Bergon Valley at the Bourdalat Equestrian Farm near Ouzous.
Lac Vert (Agos-Vidalos) - This water park is the perfect spot to relax on a summer afternoon - a large shallow lake, water slides, pedal boats and canoes, snack bar and picnic areas.
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