Roman ruins -
Roman Amphitheater - Visit the Amphitheater, an arena built in the 1st century A.D., where spectacles were staged with gladiator combat and wild animal shows. This is absolutely a great place to run around. Climb up the watchtower (a later addition from the Middle Ages when the amphitheater was used as a fort) for a bird's eye view of Arles.
During the summer, in the arena are gladiator re-enactments, complete with helmets, shields, and swords.
Go to a "bull game" (Course Camarguaise) - Not quite a bull fight, guys run around the arena, attempting to pull a ribbon from the feisty Camargue bulls. Fun to watch, April to October.
Roman Theater - In the theater are performances of Roman pantomime and theater during the summer months. Scenes are acted out, and afterwards, kids can try out the masks worn by the actors.
Museum of Ancient Arles (Musee de L'Arles Antique) - Across the river, but an easy walk from the amphitheater, visit this archeological museum to see a collection Roman marble statues, amphorae and sarcophagi.
Hortus, Jardin d'Inspiration Romaine - Next to the archeological museum is a super Roman Garden (laid out like a hippodrome), where kids can play versions of Roman children's games. In summer are events such as chariot races. Lots of grass to run around, a playground, bring a picnic. Garden is closed on Tuesdays.
Arlaten Folk Museum (Museon Arlaten) - Step into country life in Provence. Full size dioramas of houses and farming in the 17th - 19th centuries, and lots of period costumes.
Van Gogh walking tour - Van Gogh was living in Arles when he painted some his best paintings - Sunflowers, The Bedroom, The Yellow House. Around town, there are 10 sites where you can stand in the spot where Van Gogh set up his easel - follow the yellow arrows to each site, marked with a laminated picture panel. E.g., Place Lamartine for The Yellow House or the Jardin d'Ete on Boulevard des Lices for the Public Garden at Arles.
Costume Festival - First Sunday in July is the Costume Festival (Fete du Costume), a colorful parade of ladies wearing regional dress - full skirt with cinched-in waist, shawl and velvet headdress.