Termes d'Armangnac
La Tour de Termes - This is the best preserved castle keep, built in the 13th century by the Termes family - only the donjon remains, but it's a beauty. Climb to the top of donjon for panoramic views of the countryside, and on a clear day you can see the Pyrenees.
Inside the keep is the Musee du Panache Gascon, each floor has rooms with full-size dioramas from the Middle Ages, as well as traditional life in Gascony. Check out knights in armor, Thibault de Termes going off to fight in the army with Joan of Arc, musketeers, kings and courtiers, the garderobe (latrine) and baths, plus scenes from 19th century family life. Audio tour in French, with printed English translation for each room.
Outside the castle keep are picnic tables, and a children's playground.
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