Glastonbury Abbey - Glastonbury is rich with legends of the Holy Grail and King Arthur. Glastonbury Abbey, a crumbly ruin, was built on an old church that dates back to the second century. According to legend, Joseph of Armithea and St. Patrick visited the old church. In the 12th century, it is believed that the tombs of King Arthur and Guinevere were found in the abbey grounds. A century later, the bones were reburied in front of the high altar. The Visitor's Centre has a model of what the Abbey looked like in the 16th century.

Besides the Abbey, visit Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill. According to local lore, Chalice Hill is the spot where the chalice used at the Last Supper, the Holy Grail, is buried. At the top of the Tor, topped by the St. Michael's tower, you'll have a magical view of the Somerset countryside.

There are two foot paths up Glastonbury Tor from the town of Glastonbury. The one that goes up the front of the hill is shorter, and one that goes round back is more "countrified," and slightly longer. Allow about an hour to climb up (although if your kids are speedy, it could take much less time.)