Kings Canyon Nat'l Park
Cedar Grove & around

Cedar Grove is situated on the valley floor of Kings Canyon, surrounded by dramatic peaks almost a mile high. It's a great place to camp, and if you have teens or older kids, there are marvelous hikes into the high country - to Bubbs Creek, Mist Falls and Lower Paradise Valley.

Roaring River Falls - It's just a five or ten minute walk up a paved trail (okay for strollers) to a rushing waterfall, cascading over a smooth rock into a deep, emerald green pool. There's a picnic table next to the parking lot.
Zumwalt Meadow Trail - Take the 1.5 mile nature trail around the meadow. You'll see bit of every sort of Sierra scenery - huge granite boulders, lush meadow with wildflowers in summer, fern covered forest, and the rushing waters of the Kings River. Pick up the trail brochure at the trailhead, with information about 18 different stops along the loop trail, highlighting the plants, rocks, and different habitats.
Trail rides - Cedar Grove Pack Station has one hour trail rides through the Kings Canyon valley, and longer overnight trips.

Boyden Cavern - Explore the glories of Boyden Cavern, where you'll see the Pancake Room (hmmm tasty), Drapery Room with "soda straws" and stalactites like curtains, the Bat Grotto (with sleeping bats), and an underground stream.  Tours are 45 min., it's a 5 minute walk up to the cave, no baby backpacks. April to November.

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