Leo Carrillo State Beach
Leo Carrillo has the best tidepools and is a family favorite. We camped at the beach for a week, with a whole bunch of families. In our campsite under the sycamore trees, every night we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over an open fire in evening. The kids thought this was great - all day at the beach, staying up late under the stars.
Spend the day at the beach, peering in the tide pools for starfish and hermit crabs or dam up the stream that flows into the ocean. Bigger kids will want to grab their boogie boards and surf the waves. Flat sandy beach is perfect for toddlers and sand castle building.
Campground - The campground at Leo Carrillo is one of the nicest state beaches. The campground is located in trees, so it's shady and cool, but it's just a five minute walk to the beach. The campground is well equipped with showers and a campstore (in case you need to buy more marshmallows). Bring wood for the campfire rings. For summer, be sure to make reservations well in advance: