california angels camp
Angels Camp

In 1865, Mark Twain, was staying near Angels Camp when he wrote "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," the story of a frog who couldn't jump an inch because he was stuffed full of quail shot. This tall tale made Mark Twain famous, and it's still a good read.

The third week in May each year, Angels Camp sponsors the Jumping Frog Contest. Contestants arrive from all over the world to see how far their frogs can jump.

Angels Camp Museum and Carriage House - This small museum on Highway 49 is a gem. In the museum are 19th century household items, including iron toy fire engines, tiny children's shoes, a horse-drawn hearse, and a working model of a stamp mill (push the button and it goes into action).
Outside the museum there is a full size overshot water wheel, Pelton wheel, and "Ol' Beth" steam tractor, ore cart and mining implements.
The carriage house has all kinds of horse-drawn vehicles - phaeton, surrey, road cart (driven by kids because they were easy to maneuver), cabriolet, spring wagon, mail stage, water wagon, popcorn wagon, piano box buggy. Don't miss the model of the Wild Goose Mine.
Jumping frogs - Walk down the main street of Angels Camp, lined with old-fashioned store fronts. The sidewalk is sprinkled with the bronze plaques of winners of the Jumping Frog Contest - "Green Eyes," "Dynamic Denny," "Pretty Lady" "Slowpoke" - the frog walk of fame.
Angels Pool - On a hot afternoon, relax the public swimming pool at Tyron Park (east of Highway 4 and 49 intersection). Tuesday through Sunday.
Utica Park - Named after the Utica Mine, this pleasant park has a statue of Mark Twain, play structures, grassy areas and picnic tables, and best of all, froggy trash cans - you can throw your trash into the mouth of a frog.