Mammoth Lakes
Around Mammoth Lakes
Hot Creek Fish Hatchery - The lakes and streams of the Eastern Sierra are teeming with trout, and some of the trout come from this fish hatchery. It's a quick stop to visit the fish hatchery where kids will be mesmerized by oodles of small rainbow fingerlings (small trout) swimming in the open-air ponds, as well as very large rainbow trout (broodstock), used for breeding more fish. When the trout get big enough, they're stocked in the lakes. Open daily, 8:00am to 3:00pm.
Hot Creek Geologic Area - Around Mammoth is the site of a super-sized volcanic eruption, leaving behind the Long Valley Caldera, and plenty of pumice and obsidian. Here at Hot Creek, the river is heated by thermal springs and geysers (magma under the earth's surface boils the water). At the parking area, walk down the ramp to the river, where you'll see three bright blue pools bubbling away on the opposite side. The river looks tempting, but no swimming or wading.
Whitmore Pool (Benton Crossing Rd., off Highway 395) - This public swimming pool has been popular with families in the area for decades. Fed by natural hot springs, it's a big 80 ft. pool, plus a children's wading pool, lawn area, barbeques and picnic tables - all this smack in the middle of the sagebrush. Open mid - June through the end of August.
If you continue east down Benton Crossing Rd., you'll cross the Owen's River over a bridge. On the small access road north, there's access to the river, a fun spot to picnic and kids can play in the water.
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