English Bay
Stroll along the Seawall - No matter what season or how small the kids, you can walk the Seawall. On Sunday afternoon, you'll find families pushing strollers with little ones, or parents trying to keep up with their kids who are racing down the walk. Stop to explore the rocks and bits of driftwood on the beaches. Panoramic views of the inlets and harbours of Vancouver.
English Bay Beach -

In the summer, a giant water slide is moored just off the beach (about the height of a high diving board). You can rent kayaks from the bathhouse or just stake a claim at one of the giant tree trunks the city strews about the beach and lay back to enjoy the sunshine.

Take a look at the striking
Inukshuk statue, a replica of Inuit stone cairns that look like people. In the Arctic, Inukshuk indicate a good spot to hunt or fish, mark safe passage through the snow or a food cache, or show thanks for a beautiful summer camp. The Inukshuk at English Bay is a wonderful expression of the natural beauty of Vancouver.
Second Beach - Second Beach has a shallow heated ocean pool. Water slide on the back of a green turtle is perfect for little kids. Pool is open May - Labor Day. Also, there's a large playground with climbing structures and swings, and a snack bar.