
The town of Chilliwack is about an hour east of Vancouver on Highway 1 and is the heart of farming country, with almost 1,000 farms. Plan on a stop to pick up fresh fruit and vegetables, especially corn.

River Rafting on the Chilliwack River - For more adventurous (and bigger kids). Check in town for guides and conditions, depending on the time of year, this may be more than small children can handle.
The area around Chilliwack is home to the Stó:lõ Nation and you can tour the Shxwt'a:selhawtxw House of Long Ago and Today Interpretive Centre. Stó:lõ story tellers may tell you about the time long ago when animals and people spoke the same language, and be sure to check ahead for scheduled activities, when kids can learn Stó:lõ crafts of weaving and carving.
Farmers MarketCheck out the Farmers Market in downtown Chilliwack on Saturdays, June to October.
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