Fort Macleod
Fort Macleod - Fort Macleod was the first Royal Canadian Mounted Police outpost in the west, founded in 1874 where the prairies meet the Rockies. Kids will like running around the museum, a re-creation of 19th century buildings with a great collection of regional Indian crafts. You can also tour the Mounties stables (yes, they still use horses and "red-coat" uniforms).
RCMP Musical Ride - Check for special events, when you'll experience the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride. Mounties dressed in 1874 North West Mounted Police uniforms perform precision moves on horseback to music.
"Fort Whoop-Up" Interpretive Centre - With a name like that, it won't be surprise that this was once the largest whisky trading spot in the province. American traders would barter for furs with the local Indians, illegally including "fire water" in the deals. Today you can tour displays of period artifacts, crafts, clothing, etc. and go for wagon rides.