Portage Valley
Portage Glacier cruise - Go for a one hour scenic boat ride on Portage Lake to see the Portage Glacier. Along with spectacular views of the mountains and glacier, icebergs floating in the water, a forest service ranger is on board with ice worms for kids to look at (they are real) and chunks of glacier ice to touch.
Begich Boggs Visitor Center - Before the cruise, stop into the visitor center to watch a 20 minute film about glaciers and to learn about those totally cool ice worms as well as the natural history of the area. At the front desk there are live ice worms to see, and kids will want to roll around on the ice worm couch in the Wildside room, which also has dioramas about animals of the Chugach National Forest.
Ice Worm Safari - On Tuesday and Saturdays, take a ranger-led hike from the visitor center to look for ice worms. It's a 3/4 mile walk to the snowfield, and after you're given an "ice worm hunting license," kids can dig in the snow to find ice worms (it's "hunt and release" only, you can't keep the ice worms).